Dalibor. Časopis věnovaný zájmům světské i církevní hudby a zpěváckých spolků českoslov., zároveň pak organ „Matice hudební"
RIPM Preservation Series: European and North American Music Periodicals (2017)

Publisher: Emanuel Starý
Printers: Jos. R. Vilímka, 1873-1874; Karel Bellmann, 1875
Owner: Emanuel Starý
Periodicity: Weekly
“During the 1870s, the two main parties flourished in Bohemia. There was one pro-Wagnerian, pro-Lisztian and, at home, pro-Smetana; in the field of articles on music it was represented by the magazine Dalibor, and in fine arts, music and theater by the theorist Otakar Hostinský (1847-1910). The other party supported the idea of national music growing out of the folklore treasury. Its forum was the magazine Hudební listy, whose editors in 1873 were the opera composer Josef Richard Rozkošný (1833-1913), and in 1874-75, singer and music pedagogue František Pivoda (1824-1898).”
Michaela Freemanová, “Između Praga, Zagreba i Lavova: Franjo Ksaver Kuhač i njegovi češki pristalice,” Arti Musices 44, no. 1 (2013): 52.
Translation of: “Tijekom 1870-ih dvije su glavne stranke cvjetale u Češkoj. Jedna je bila prowagnerijanska, prolisztovska i na domaćem planu prosmetanovska; na području napisa o glazbi predstavljao ju je časopis Dalibor, a u likovnoj umjetnosti, glazbi i kazalištu teoretičar Otakar Hostinský (1847-1910). Druga je stranka podupirala ideju nacionalne glazbe što izrasta iz folklorne riznice. Njezinom je tribinom postao časopis Hudební listy, čiji su urednici bili 1873. operni skladatelj Josef Richard Rozkošný (1833-1913), a 1874-75. pjevač i glazbeni pedagog František Pivoda (1824-1898).”