RIPM Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals
RIPM Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals with Full Text
RIPM Preservation Series: European and North American Music Periodicals
Available on Two Different Interface Platforms
RIPMPlus and EBSCOhost
Shared Features
- Links between record and full text
- Limit search results to full-text only
- Same data available on both platforms for RIPM Index, RIPM with Full Text, and RIPM Jazz Periodicals*

RIPM Publications (Direct)
Harrassowitz Subscription Agents
RIPMPlus: Unique Features
- Translation of titles and annotations into 52 languages
- Cross-Language Search Expanders enhances search results (RIPM Index, RIPM with Full Text)
- Auto-suggest based on data in the RIPM Index
- Default chronological sort
- Search Russian and Greek with drop-down keyboard
- Toggle from full-text pages to search results
- Citation counter on full-text pages tracks progress through search results
- Previous and Next Citation buttons to allow browsing through full-text without returning to citation results
- Page-based fulltext searching to allow quick movement through large numbers of fulltext search results (RIPM Preservation, RIPM Jazz)
- Density sort returns greatest number of search results per journal issue (RIPM Preservation, RIPM Jazz)
- Manually-curated KBART (Knowledgebase) and MARC records available
- Select a periodical in a simple searchable menu
- Continual updates to RIPM Preservation Series*

EBSCO Information Services
and your local EBSCO representative
EBSCOHost: Unique Features
- Search RIPM and other EBSCOhost databases simultaneously
- Integrate RIPM databases into discipline-specific collections
- Accessible on the EBSCO Discovery Service
- Search within the fulltext of articles in the RIPM Index with Full Text
- Auto-suggest based on most searched terms in all disciplines
- Default relevancy sort
- Interface available in 29 languages
- Interface conformity between EBSCO-hosted databases
- Share citations through 200+ social media and link sharing services
- Create alerts and RSS feeds
- Mobile apps available
- Forthcoming new user interface to allow for improved user experience
* The RIPM Preservation Series has not been updated since 2018 on EBSCOHost. It is hoped that this database will be updated in the near future. RIPM updates the Preservation Series with new content annually.